Friday, November 15, 2013

****Important general knowledge questions about Banks****

****Important general knowledge questions about Banks****
1. Which is the First Bank in India ?
Answer: Bank of Hindustan
2. Which is the first Bank managed by Indians ?
Answer: Oudh Commercial Bank
3. Which is the first bank started with Indian capital (Indian owned bank) ? Answer: Punjab National Bank
4. Which is the first foreign Bank in India ?
Answer: Chartered Bank
5. Which is the first bank to get ISO certificate ?
Answer: Canara Bank
6. Which is the first bank in India to start its branches outside India ? Answer: Bank of India
7. Which is the first bank in India to introduce ATM ?
Answer: H.S.B.C bank
8. Which is the oldest public bank in India ?
Answer: Allahabad Bank
9. Which is the paper used for making Indian currency ?
Answer: Rag
10. The currency of IMF is known as ?
Answer: SDR (Special Drawing Rights)
11. Which is known as Artificial currency or Paper Gold ?
Answer: SDR

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Abbreviation of major IT companies

~~~ Abbreviation of major IT companies ~~~
GOOGLE :- Global Organisation of Oriented Group Language of Earth
APPLE :- Asian Passenger Pay Load Experiment
HP :- Hewlett - Packard
IBM :- International Business Machines Corporation
HCL :- Hindustan Computer Limited
WIPRO :- Western India Product Limited
GE :- General Electronics
INFOSYS :- Information System
TCS :- Tata Consultancy Services
AOL :- American Online
BPL :- British Process Laboratory
INTEL :- Integrated Electronics
CISCO :- Computer Information System Company
DELL :- michael DELL
SONY :- Sound Of New York
AMD :- Advance Micro Devices
LENOVO :- LE (Legend), NOVO (New)
COMPAQ :- Compatibility And Quality