Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Quant Quiz

1. 1274 * 165 - 3215 = ? + 3261
(1) 203635
(2) 204734
(3) 203735
(4) 203734
(5) None of these

2. (17.3)­­­­2 + (37.2)2 – (32.6)2 = ? + 437.21
(1) (12.8)2
(2) 183.16
(3) 153.14
(4) 164.16
(5) None of these

3. (14/39 * 117/154) / (78/88 + 15/78)  = ?
(1) 1/3
(2) 0.75
(3) 1.5
(4) 0.5
(5) None of these

4. [ (7√2 + 9√2) * (4√2 + 11√2) – 257 = ?
(1) 29√2 
(2) 17√2
(3) 223
(4) 184
(5) None of these

5. √9216 * √2601 – (43)2 = √? + (55)2
(1) 484
(2) 361
(3) 784
(4) 632
(5) None of these

5. The sum of four consecutive even numbers is 260. What would be the smallest number?
(1) 60
(2) 64
(3) 62
(4) 66
(5) 70

6. The marked price of an article is Rs. 680. After two successive discounts it is sold for Rs. 408 if the first discount is 25 % then the rate of second discount is
(2) 20 %
(3) 30 %
(4)25 %
(5) None of thes

7. If 5 litres of water are evaporated on boiling from 20 litres of salt solution containing 20 percent salt. The percentage of salt in the remaining solution is
(1) 26.67
(2) 22.5
(3) 24.33
(4) 13
(5) None of these

8. A cistern is half full of water. Pipe A can fill the remaining part in 3 minutes and pipe B in 5 minutes. Once the cistern is emptied, how much time will they take to fill it together completely?
(1) 3 minutes
(2) 3 min, 30 sec  
(3) 3 min, 45 sec 
(4) 4 min
(5) None of these

9. Volume of two cones are in the ratio 1 : 4 and their diameters are in the ratio 4 : 5. The ratio of their height is
(1) 1: 5
(2) 5: 4
(3) 5: 16
(4)  25 :64
(5) None of these

Study the following information and answer the questions given below.
The following Bar graph gives information about the sales of six companies A, B, C, D, E and F in three years 2008, 2009 and 2010 in Rs (crores).

10. Which of the following garment companies has a fluctuating sales figure over the given period?
(1) E
(2) F
(3) D
(4) C
(5) B

11. What is the total percentage increase(approx)  in the sale of garments of company A in 2010 with respect of 2009?
(1) 13% fall
(2) 25% rise
(3) No change
(4) 21% increase
(5) 17.5% decrease

12. For the total 3-year period under consideration, the nearest competitor of A is:
(1) C
(2) D
(3) B
(4) F
(5) None of these

13. For the years 2008 and 2009, which company has the minimum rate of change of sales?
(1) F
(2) E
(3) A
(4) C
(5) None of these

14.  What is average (approx) sale of all companies in 2009?
(1) 109
(2) 116
(3) 103
(4) 94
(5) 123

1. 4
2. 2
3. 4
4. 3
5. 1

6. (3)
Let the numbers be x, x+2, x+4 and x+6. Now
x + (x+2) + (x+4) + (x+6) = 260
x = 62

7. (2)
Original Price = 680
Price after first discount = 0.75 * 680 = 510
Second discount = (510 - 408)/510 = 20%

8. (1)
Amount of salt in original solution = 20% of 20 = 4
Percentage of salt in new solution = 4/15 = 26.67%

9. (3)
Pipe A and B can fill half the tank in 3 minutes and 5 minutes, So they can fill the empty tank in 6 min and 10 min respectively.
Time taken by them to fill the empty tank together = (6*10)/(6+10) = 3 min 45 sec

10. (4) Ratio of heights = (V1/V2) * (r2/r1)^2 =  = 25 : 64

10. (5)
The sales of companies A, C, D and E is always increasing while sales of company F is always decreasing. Only company B has fluctuating sales figures.

11. (4)
Required percentage = (160 - 132)/ 132 * 100 = 21.2%

12. (3)
Total sale of Company A= 380
Total sale of Company B=332
Total sale of Company C=306
Total sale of Company D=302
Total sale of Company E=206
Total sale of Company F=232

13. (1)
From the graph, we can say that the sales of F in 2008 and 2009 has minimum difference and also minimum rate of change.

14. (1) Required average = (132+136+114+114+80+80)/6 = 109.33 

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