Saturday, April 24, 2021

first in world

 1. Chairman of Peoples Republic of China Mao-Tse-Tung
2. President of the Chinese Republic Dr. Sun Yat Sen
 3. President of U.S.A George Washington
 4. Chinese Traveller to India Fahein
 5. Foreign Invader to India Alexander the Great
 6. Person to reach South Pole Amundsen
 7. Person to reach North Pole Robert Pearey
 8. Person in Space Yuri Gagarin
 9. Person on Moon Neil Armstrong
 10. Lady to climb Mount Everest Junko Taibei
 11. European to visit China Marco Polo
12. Place where atom bomb was dropped Hiroshima
 13. Man to walk in Space Alexei Leonov
 14. Woman cosmonaut in Space Valentina Tereshkova
 15. Woman Prime Minister of a country Mrs. Srimavo Bhandarnaike
16. Woman President of a country Maria Estela Peron
 17. Woman to Command a Space Mission Colonel Eileen Collins (U.S.A.)
 18. The first residents of International Space station Bill Shepherd (USA),
Yuri Gidzanko
and Sergei Krikalev (Russia)
 19.  The first blind man to scale Mt. Everest Erik Weihenmayer
(USA, May 25, 2001)
 20. The first Muslim woman to become the Secretary General of Amnesty International lrine Zubeida Khan
 21. The first space astronaut to go into space seven times till date Jerry Ross (U.S.A.)
 22. The first South African to become the second space tourist Mark Shuttleworth
 23. The first woman Prime Minister of South Korea Ms. Chang Sang
 24. The first youngest grandmaster of the world in chess Sergey Karjakin (Ukraine)
 25. The first adventurer flying successfully across the English Channel without aircraft Felix Baumgartner (July 2003)
 26. China's first man in space Yang Liwei
 27. The first Muslim woman to receive Nobel Prize Shirin Ebadi (Nobel Peace Prize 2003)
 28. The woman with the highest individual Test score making a new world record Kiran Baloch (Pakistani cricketer,
scoring 242 runs playing women's
cricket test against West Indies in
Karachi in March, 2004)
 29. The first woman of the world to climb Mt. Everest four times Lakpa Sherpa (Nepali)
30. The first woman to cross seven important seas of the world by swimming Bula Chaudhury (India)
31. The first aircraft pilot to round the entire world non-stop by his 2 engine aircraft in 67 hours Steve Fossett (March 2005)
32. The first woman to be appointed as a Governor of a province in Afghanistan Habiba Sorabhi
33. The first woman of the world to swim across five continents  Bula Chaudhury (India) (April 2005)
34. The first woman athlete to touch 5.0 meter mark in pole vault Ms. Yelena Isinbayeva
(Russian, July 2005)
35. The first Hindu Chief Justice of Pakistani Supreme Court Justice Rana Bhagwan Das
Took over on Sept. 2, 2005 as
Acting Chief Justice
36. The first duly elected woman President of an African country Allen Johnson Sirleaf (elected
President of Liberia in Nov. 2005)
37. The first woman Governor of the State Bank of Pakistan Shanshad Akhtar
(Appointed in Dec. 2005)
38. The first woman Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel
(Took over in Nov. 2005)
39. The first woman President of Chile Dr. Michelle Bachelet
40. The first woman Prime Minister of Jamaica Portia Simpson Miller (Feb. 2006)
41. The first woman foreign Secretary of England Margaret Backett (May 2006)
42. The first double amputee to scale Mt. Everest Mark Inglis (May 15, 2006)



IBPS Clerk Gereral Awareness Practise set-3

IBPS CWE clerk General Awareness set -3
1. As we all know banks publish their quarterly performance to bring transparency in the system and also to give a clear picture of their performance to the public. How were results of Quarter 2 different from the results of Quarter 1 of the listed banks including giants like SBI and ICICI banks?
(A) Performance was subdued in the Quarter 2.
(B) Yields on advances of almost all listed banks have come down.
(C) Advances grew at a slower pace when compared to deposits.
(a) Only A is true
(b) Only B is true
(c) Only C is true
(d) All A B and C are true
(e) None of these
Ans: (a)
2. After the Subprime crisis which of the following problems has hit the global economy/world markets recently?
(a) Dubai debt problem
(b) Change of Government in Japan and its new economic policies.
(c) High rate of inflation in India
(d) Extremely volatile behaviour of the Bombay Stock Exchange and other major Stock Exchanges world wide.
(e) None of these.
Ans: (a)
3. As per the news published in major newspapers in India Banks in India need about 12 lakh business correspondents for rural areas. What will be the role of these correspondents?
(A) They will help rural people in their day to day banking activities.
(B) They will work as a link between banks and the customers.
(C) They will ascertain eligibility of rural people so that relief packages can be provided to them.
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) Only C
(d) All A. B and C
(e) None of these
Ans: (d)
4. It is evident that the economic slowdown still continues to weigh on the performance of the banks in India. How is this affecting banks and/or general public?
(a) The number of bank account holders has gone down
(b) The gross Non Performing Assets (NPAs) of the listed banks have increased substantially.
(c) Inflation has reached at a very high level
(d) Relief packages announced by the Government have proved insufficient to improve the situation of agri sector
(e) All of these
Ans: (e)
5. Why has Dr. Sublr Gokarn’s name been in the news recently?
(a) He has, taken over as the Deputy Governor of the RBI
(b) He has taken over as the Deputy Governor of the RBI
(c) He will be the new Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission of India.
(d) He has taken over as the Chief of the Economic Advisory Council attached to Prime Minister's Office
(e) None of these
Ans: (b)
6. As published invarious newspapers, the Experian Credit Information Company of India is going to launch its operation in India soon. At present the only credit information bureau fuctional in India is
(a) AMFI
(b) ICRA
(e) None of these
Ans: (d)
7. As per the news published, in a financial population RBI is redesinging its 'ECS' to function as a Automated Clearing House (ACH) for bulk transactions. What is full form of 'ECS'?
(a) Extra Closing System
(b) Electronic Cheque System
(c) Evening Cheque Sorter
(d) Evening Cheque System
(e) Electronic Clearing Service
Ans: (e)
8. Which of the following challenges will be the most crucial for human existence on earth in the days to come?
(a) Pollution
(b) Food Secudty
(c) Availability of natural gas
(d) Need for Financial Inclusion
(e) Cyber Crimes
Ans: (a)
9. The Reserve Bank of India has asked all the banks to install. "Note Sorting Machines" in the branches. How will this help banks and the general public?
(A) The machines will check for counterfeit notes and drop these from circulation. .
(B) This will help banks to count the notes quickly and accurately.
(C) This will help in sorting out soiled 1I0teS so that they are not reissued by the banks.
(a) Only B
(b) Only A
(c) Only C
(d) Only A and B
(e) None of these
Ans: (a)
10. A study report entitled "India Generation Gap Review" was presented at the World Economic Forum in November 2009. This was presented during which of the following summits/conferences?
(a) G-8 Summit
(b) G-20 Summit
(c) India Economic Summit
(d) SAARC Finance Ministers' Conference
(e) None of these
Ans: (c)
11. As we know the Government of India has notified certain new rules to calculate Income Tax on various perks like accommodation and conveyance etc. being given by employers to their salaried employees. The new rules will replace which of the following taxes which has been abolished now?
(a) Capital Gains Tax
(b) Sales Tax
(c) Cash Transaction Tax
(d) Fringe Benefit Tax
(e) None of these
Ans: (c)
12. Dr. K. Radhakrishnan has taken over as the Chief of -
(a) Electionics Commission
(b) Indian Space Research Organisation
(c) Atomic Energy Commission of India
(d) Deputy Governor of Reserve Bank of India
(e) None of these
Ans: (b)
13. As per the guidelines issued by the RBI, banks are preparing for a service which will allow customers to withdraw upto Rs .1,000 using their debit cards from notified shops/stores. allover the country. All such shops/stores will have 'pas' terminals for the same. What is full form of the 'pas'?
(a) Payment on Sale
(b) Power of Sale.
(c) Point of Sale
(d) Payment Order Service
(e) None of these.
Ans: (c)
14. The working group set up by the RBI has suggested-the launch of an Emergency Fund Facility Scheme for banks. This scheme will help which of the following types of banks?
(a) Public Sector Banks
(b) Small Banks
(c) Urban Cooperative Banks
(d) Private Banks
(e) Foreign Banks
Ans: (c)
15. As published in major newspapers public sector banks have asked the Government of India to provide more funds for "Capital Infusion". How much is the need of PSBs collectively for the purpose? (Rs. in crores)?
(a) 10,000
(b) 15,000
(c) 20.000
(d) 25,000
(e) 30,000
Ans: (d)
16. Who amongst the following has purchased about 200 tonnes of gold from international Monetary Fund (IMF) in 2009?
(a) Infrastructure Finance Company Ltd.
(b) Bombay Stock Exchange of India
(c) Gold Council of India
(d) Reserve Bank of India
(e) None of these
Ans: (d)
17. One of the major emphasis of Basel II is that banks, should have
(a) adequate Capital Adequacy Ratio
(b) only few branches in urban centres
(c) more and more branches in rural areas
(d) core banking mode of operation
(e) all the above to comply with Basel II norms
Ans: (a)
18. As per the reports published by various agencies/organisation, it is estimated that around 3 billion extra people will join our existing population of 6 billion by the year 2050. To provide food for all of them, a second round which of the following initiatives is required to be start much in advance?
(a) Green Revolution
(b) Planned Urbanisation
(c) Industrialisation
(d) Climate Migration
(e) All of these
Ans: (e)
19. Who amongst the following is the President of the European Union at present?
(a) Catherine Ashton
(b) Mr. Jose Manuel Barroso,
(c) Mr. Fredrik Reinfeldt
(d) Mr. Sergi Lavrov
(e) None of these
Ans: (e)
20. As per the reports published in various newspapers, and journals almost all big nations are trying their best to resolve various disputes between the nations where in either the are a party or because of that their peace and stability many be affected. Stability in which of the following two nations is more vital to India than that of any other nations?
(a) Bangladesh & China
(b) China & USA
(c) Iraq & Russia
(d) South & North Korea
(e) Pakistan & Afghanistan
Ans: (e)
21. India's bilateral per annum trade with European Union at present is about -
(a) 50 billion US $
(b) 75. billion US $
(c) 100 billion US $
(d) 150 billion US $
(e) 200 billion US $
Ans: (b)
22. Some world bodies/organisations/agencies are of the view that agriculture should adopt a "Cross Disciplinary Approach", and fake help of all types of sciences and studies. This approach will help in which of the following crucial problems being faced by humanity?
(a) Use of Genetically Modified Crop
(b) Melting of glaciers
(c) Food crisis
(d) Climate change
(e) None of these
Ans: (c)
23. An agreement between two nations or a group of nations which establishes unimpeded exchange and flow of goods and services between/among trade partners regardless of national boundaries is called-
(a) Import Free Agreement
(b) Free Trade-Agreement
(c) Export Free Agreement
(d) Special Economic Zone Agreement
Ans: (b)
24. Which of the following correctly describe what "One Carbon Credit" is?
(A) Credit permit to release one ton of carbon dioxide.
(B) Providing loans to establish one new production unit which can produce carbon dioxide for Industrial use.
(C) Finding out one new business which can use and recycle green house gases.
(a) Only C
(b) Only B
(c) Only A
(d) All A, B and C
(e) None of these
Ans: (c)
25. As per various reports issued by the UNO and other world bodies, agricultural and allied, activities consume what percentage of global water resources every year?
(a) 15%
(b) 30%
(c) 50%
(d) 70%
(e) 60%
Ans: (d)
26. The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) is a wing/agency of the _
(a) World Bank
(b) United Nations Organisation
(c) Asian Development Bank
(d) Ministry of Agriculture Government of India
(e) None of these
Ans: (b)
27. As a policy India does not encourage tree, movement of unskilled labours from _
(a) Gulf Countries
(b) USA and South American Nations
(c) European Union Nations
(d) All these nations
(e) None of these
Ans: (d)
28. The Government of India has decided to disinvest its share in major listed public sector under-takings. How much of its share will be off loaded in this method?
(a) 2%
(b) 4%
(c) 8%
(d) 10%
(e) None of these
Ans: (d)
29. The United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) is working in an Indian city to make it safe for women. Which of the following is that city?
(a) Pune
(b) Kolkata
(c) Delhi
(d) Mumbai
(e) Lucknow
Ans: (c)
30. At present the trade between India and China is in a state of "Payment Imbalance", What does this mean in real terms?
(A) China does not import many items from India whereas India-imports more from. China.
(B) China does not pay India in time and a lot of delay is reported by the exporters.
(C) India wants all payments to be made in US Dollars whereas China pays in its own currency.
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) Only C
(d) All A, B and C
(e) None of these
Ans: (d)
31. India has signed an agreement on climate change with which of the following countries recently?
(a) USA
(b) Russia
(c) United Kingdom
(d) Australia
(e) China
Ans: (e)
32. Some Scientists are of the opinion that extra agricultural production should be achieved. without, going for the cultivation of extra land and also without causing damage to essential eco-system. This concept, in other words, is known as-
(a) Sustainable growth
(b) Renewability of Inputs
(c) Global Melt down
(d) Climate Migration
(e) None of these
Ans: (a)
33. Mr. Z. E. A. Ben Ali has taken over as the President of -
(a) Tunisia
(b) Malaysia
(c) Indonesia
(d) Kuwait
(e) None of these
Ans: (a)
34. Which of the following is NOT a Government of India undertaking?
(a) Oil India Ltd.
(b) Sutlej Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd.
(c) ICICI Bank
(d) National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd.
(e) Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd.
Ans: (c)
35. India shares its border with China along the Himalayan range. Which of the following states touches the border of China.
(a) Punjab
(b) Bihar
(c) Arunachal Pradesh
(d) chhattisgarh
(e) All of these
Ans: (c)
36. Which of the following has been the growth of India's GDP during 2008-09? (Final data are issued in late 2009).
(a) 5%
(b) 5.5%
(c) 6%
(d) 6.5%
(e) None of these
Ans: (d)
37. Which of the following ministries has launched a new "Skill Development Initiative Scheme" so that the employability of the young people can be increased?
(a) Ministry of Finance
(b) Ministry of Agriculture
(c) Ministry of Heavy Industry
(d) Ministry of Home Affairs
(e) Ministry of Labour and Employment
Ans: (a)
38. Sachin Tendulkar has recently, become the first cricketer in ODI history to cross the milestone of
(a) 10000 runs
(b) 12000 runs
(c) 15000 runs
(d) 17000 runs
(e) 20000 runs
Ans: (d)
39. The East Asia Summit took place in October 2009 in Hua Hin town, This is a town in -
(a) China
(b) Myanmar
(c) Cambodia
(d) Malaysia
(e) Thailand
Ans: (e)
40. What percent of India's GDP is invested in providing education?
(a) 1%
(b) 2.5%
(c) 4%
(d) 6%
(e) None of these
Ans: (a)
41. India has recently gained the status of becoming the third largest producer of Steel in the world. Who is the largest producer?
(a) USA
(b) Russia
(c) Japan
(d) China
(e) None of these
Ans: (d)
42. Dadaab Refugee Camp which was, in the news recently is located in which of the following countries?
(a) Sudan
(b) Iraq
(c) Pakistan
(d) Afghanistan
(e) Kenya
Ans: (e)
43. Which of the following countries, objected to the Indian Prime Minister's recent visit to Arunachal Pradesh?
(a) Pakistan
(b) Nepal
(c) Myanmar
(d) Bhutan
(e) None of these
Ans: (e)
44. Which of the following is NOT associated with climate change and/or Global Warming?
(a) Basel Norms
(b) Bali Meet 2007
(c) Copenhagen Conference
(d) Kyoto Protocol
(e) Bangkok Meet in 2009
Ans: (a)
45. Which of the following terms is used in the game of Hockey?
(a) Baseline
(b) Smash
(c) Drop
(d) Centre Forward
(e) None of these
Ans: (d)
46. Which of the following Geneticaly Modified vegetables is recently being made available in Indian markets?
(a) Carrot
(b) Radish
(c) Brinjal
(d) Potato
(e) None of these
Ans: (e)
47. Each Nobel Prize winner gets an amount of 10, million Swedish-
(a) Kroner
(b) Dollar
(c) Yen
(d) Pound
(e) Euro
Ans: (a)
48. Which of the following is NOT a plant product?
(a) Camphor
(b) Aloe Vera
(c) Vanilla
(d) Kiwi
(e) All are plant products
Ans: (e)
49. Dr. Venkatraman Ramakrishnan is one of the recipients the Nobel Prize in the field of__
(a) Physics
(b) Chemistry
(c) Medicine
(d) Economics
(e) Literature
Ans: (b)
50. As per the reports published in newspapers the Government of India has asked all the states to conduct a 'Social Audit” of each and every work of which of the following scheme,
(a) National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
(b) Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana
(c) Indira Aawas Yojana
(d) Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana
(e) None of these.
Ans: (a)
51. Which of the following is NOT the name of a major Lai Tennis Tournament?
(a) U S Open
(b) Wimbledon
(c) French Open
(d) Grand Master
(e) Australian Open
Ans: (d)
52. 'Derby' is associated with which of the following sports events?
(a) Horse Racing
(b) Chess
(c) Cricket
(d) Hockey
(e) Football
Ans: (a)
53. Which of the following terms is NOT used in Banking and Finance?
(a) Bid Price
(b) Jacksonian Seizure
(c) Call Option
(d) Bluechip
(e) Dividend
Ans: (b)
54. Dada Saheb Phalke Award is given for the exemplary won in the field of -
(a) Literature
(b) Music
(c) Films
(d) Sports
(e) None of these
Ans: (c)
55. Who amongst the following is the Chief Justice of India at present?
(a) Justice R. C. Lahoti
(b) Justice Y.K. Sabharwal
(c) Justice G. P. Mathur
(d) Justice K.G. Balakrishnan
(e) None of these
Ans: (d)
56. Which of the fallowing terms is NOT used in Econamics?
(a) Exogenous
(b) Depreciation
(c) Deep Market
(d) Zero Sum Game
(e) Handedness
Ans: (e)
57. Who amongst the fallowing is NOT a lawn Tennis player?
(a) Cara Black
(b) Dinara Safina
(c) Jelena Jankovic
(d) Leander Paes
(e) Anand Pawar
Ans: (e)
58. Which of the following books is written by V.S. Naipaul?
(a) A Woman Alone
(b) The Open Cauple
(c) The Grass is Singing
(d) The Golden Notebook
(e) Half a Life
Ans: (e)
59. Sri Balraj Puri, who was in the news recently, is a famous _
(a) Classical Singer
(b) Cine Actor
(c) Social Warker
(d) Sportsman
(e) Journalist
Ans: (e)
60. Which of the following is caused by H5NI virus?
(a) Yellow fever
(b) Measles
(c) Plague
(d) Bird flu
(e) None of these
Ans: (d)
61. Which of the following rivers is NOT in India?
(a) Tapti
(b) Ural
(c) Mahi
(d) Mahanadi
(e) Penner
Ans: (b)
62. Mr. Mohamed Nasheed was on a five day state visit to India recently. He is the President of -
(a) Bangladesh
(b) Iran
(c) Indonesia
(d) Maldives
(e) None of these
Ans: (d)
63. India celebrated which of the following Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi in October 2009?
(a) 110
(b) 120
(c) 130
(d) 140
(e) None of these
Ans: (d)
64. Which of the following states has launched e-Shakti Programme so that poverty can be reduced in the state?
(a) Delhi
(b) Maharashtra
(c) Uttar Pradesh
(d) Bihar
(e) None of these
Ans: (d)
65. Which of the following schemes is launched by the Government of India to improve the health of pregnant and lactating mothers?
(a) Matritva Sahayog Yojana
(b) Dhan Lakshmi Yojana
(c) ASHA
(d) Health for All Scheme
(e) None of these
Ans: (a)
66. As per the decision taken by the Orissa cabinet the new name of the state would be written as _
(a) Odisha
(b) Orissha
(c) Aurissa
(d) Horissa
(e) None of these
Ans: (a)
67. India recently organized sixth ministerial level of Indo-US- TPF. What is full form of TPF?
(a) Trade Policy Forum
(b) Traditional Planning Force
(c) Trade and Payment Finance
(d) Technical Planning Force
(e) None of these
Ans: (a)
68. Which of the following is the abbreviated name of state level agency on afforestation created by the Government of India?
(a) NDMA
(b) SFDA
(e) None of these
Ans: (e)
69. Which of the following states has launched 'Atta-Dal Scheme' under which atta and dal Will be supplied at affordable prices to ration card holders?
(a) Rajasthan
(b) Gujarat
(c) Uttar Pradesh
(d) Orissa
(e) None of these
Ans: (a)
70. Which of the following states has the maximum number of Sugar mills?
(a) Bihar
(b) Rajasthan
(c) Gujarat
(d) Haryana
(e) None of these
Ans: (e)
71. India purchased the Barak Anti Missile Defence System from –
(a) USA
(b) Japan
(c) France
(d) Israel
(e) None of these
Ans: (d)
72. Mullaperiyar Dam is built on which of the following rivers?
(a) Pamba
(b) Godavari
(c) Krishna
(d) Cauvery
(e) None of these
Ans: (e)
73. Which of the following countries won the Champions Trophy Cricket Tournament 2009?
(a) England
(b) Pakistan
(c) Australia
(d) New Zealand
(e) None of these
Ans: (c)
74. Who amongst the following has not been nominated for Man Booker Prize -2009?'
(a) J.M. Coetzee
(b) Hilary Mantel
(c) Sarah Waters
(d) Thomas Cromwell
(e) None of these
Ans: (d)
75. Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Awards are given far excellence in the field of-
(a) Sports
(b) Economics
(c) Science and Technology
(d) Cinema
(e) None of these
Ans: (c)
Posted by Madhava Reddy at 9:09 AM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook
IBPS General Awareness
1. New Chief minister of Uttarakhand is.......?
1) Nitish Kumar 2) Mayawathi
3) Ramesh Pokhriyal 4) B.C. Khanduri
5) None
2. South Sudan is in ......?
1) Asia 2) Europe
3) North America 4) Africa 5) Australia
3 . G-SAT -12 is a .......?
1) Rocket 2) Satellite 3) Space Shuttle
4) Missile 5) Aircraft
4. From 10 November 2011, the SAARC summit to be held in Male (capital of Maldives). Select one nation not a member of this International summit?
1) Myanmar 2) Bangladesh 3) India
4) Sri Lanka 5)Pakistan
5. Housing scheme is........?
6. National Drinking Water Mission named after.......?
1) Indira Gandhi 2) Mahatma Gandhi
3) Jawahar Lal Nehru 4) Rajiv Gandhi
5) Vajpayee
7. Pick up a filed in which Ramon Magsaysay award is not given?
1) Sports
2) Emergent Leadership
3) Government Service
4) Peace and International Understanding
5) journalism
8. 12th Five year plan period is.......?
1) 2012-2017 2) 2010-2015
3) 2009-2014 4) 2012-2018
5) 2011-2016
9. Five year plans finally approved by.......?
1) National Development Council
2) Planning Commission
3) National knowledge Commission
4) Ministry of Finance
5) Finance Secretary
10. Father of Indian Green Revolution is.......?
1) M.S.Swaminathan 2) Harish Handey
3) J.M.Keynes 4) Amartya Sen
5) Indira Gandhi
11. As part of Look East policy, Prathibha Patil, the president of India recently visited.......?
1) South korea 2) North Korea 3) Vietnam
4) Malaysia 5) Hongkong
12. India's national aquatic animal is.......?
1) Fish 2) Prawn 3) Whale
4) Dolphin 5) Shrimp
13. National Children day is........?
1) 14 January 2) 14 December
3) 14 October 4) 14 November
5) 14 August
14. 80th anniversary completed by.......?
1) Central Bank of India
2) Planning Commission
3) Rastrapathi Bhavan
4) Income Tax Department
5) Reserve Bank of India
15. Indian stock markets run under the control of..............?
1) RBI 2) TRAI 3) SBI
16. Standard & Poor is a .......?
1) Bank
2) Non-banking finance company
3) Stock market index
4) Credit Rating Agency
5) RBI advisory body
17. MARPOL is the International Convention ?.......
1) to prevent the amalgamation of money laundering agencies
2) to control pollution from motor vehicles
3) to prevent the pollution from Ships
4) to stop the usage of pesticides
5) to encourage the people not to buy plastic
18. Fazilka and Pathankot are the new two districts of.......?
1) Punjab 2) Andhra Pradesh
3) Rajasthan 4) Odisha
5) Jammu & Kashmir
19. Union Government declared price stabilization fund for.......?
1) Tobacco, Coffee, Tea and Rubber
2) Coffee, Tea, Rice and Sugar
3) Wheat, Computers, Chemicals and Tea
4) Coffee, Rice, Wheat and Crude
5) Petrol, Gas and Rice
20. ........not written by Sarojini Naidu?
1) The Golden Threshold
2) The Feather of the Dawn
3) Muhammad Jinnah
4) Swamy and his friends
5) The Bird of Time: Songs of Life, Death & the spring
21. a player/ umpire/ coach not belong to
1) Duncan Fletcher
2) Clyde Duncan
3) Gautam Gambhir
4) Lionel Andres Messi
5) Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi
22. Olympic games 2012 will be held in.......?
1)Mexico 2)Argentina 3)Brazil
4)India 5) Britain
23. Novak Djokovic is not the winner of........?
1) Australian Open 2) US Open
3) Wimbeldon 4) French Open
5) Rogers cup
1)4 2)4 3)2 4)1 5)3 6)4 7)1 8)1 9)1 10)1 11)1 12)4 13)4 14)3 15)4 16)4 17)3 18)1 19)1 20)4 21)4 22)5 23)4


1. Which of the following statements is true?
a) The licence to open branches of bank is granted by Board of Directors of that Bank
b) There is no need of licenses to open branch of a bank
c) A licence to open a branch is issued by the Central Government
d) A licence to open a branch is issued by the Reserve Bank of India under the provisions of Banking Regulation Act, 1949
2. The important condition for granting licence of banking companies is?
a) Banking company need not plan to pay for future depositors
b) Banking company can plan for its capital structure once the licence is granted
c) The business undertaken by the banking company should not frustrate the interest of public
d) The banking company can undertake business other than banking with the permission of annual general body
3. Who of the following is not a party to the IPO?
a) Registrar of Issue
b) Investment Banker
c) Advertisement Agency
d) Registrar of Companies
4. Which of the following is not shown as an asset in the balance sheet of a Bank?
a) Investments
b) Advances
c) Cash Balances with other banks
d) Borrowings
5. The credit policy of a bank does not consists of?
a) Lending policies
b) Quality control
c) Loan product mix
d) Advertising of loan products
6. Which of the following is a function of the agent bank relating to flow of money in the process of loan syndication?
a) Receiving notices relating to cancellation of any part of the loan
b) Calling of loans in the event of default
c) Receiving the fee from the borrower and distributing among the participating banks
d) Receiving notices relating to transfers of banks
7. Which of the following is the parameter to recognize the SSI unit as sick unit?
a) The erosion in the net-worth due to accumulated losses is up to 25% of its net worth during the previous account year
b) The erosion in the net-worth due to accumulated losses is up to 50% of its net worth during the previous account year.
c) The unit should have been in commercial production for at least five years
d) Lack of updations in technological development
8. Which of the following is not the service provided by the Small Industries Service Institute?
a) Providing entrepreneurship development programs
b) Developmental efforts
c) Export promotion and liaison activities
d) Financial support
9. Service Area Approach (SAA) is associated with?
a) Rural and Semi-urban branches of commercial banks
b) Urban branches of commercial banks
c) Branches of commercial banks situated in metro cities
d) Development banks
10. Which of the following cannot be securitized?
a) Future rentals of a fishing boat
b) Hire purchase receivables
c) Demand drafts received by the banker during clearing
d) Future billings for an airline
11. Which of the following statements is true?
a) The special purpose vehicle (SPV) purchases the assets from the borrower directly during the securitization
b) The originator and obligor are the same persons in securitization process
c) Administrator collects the payments due from the obligor and passes it to the SPV and follows with defaulters
d) Mortgage based securitization provides high yields to the investor
12. The important feature of an anticipatory letter of credit is that?
a) The letter of credit can be used as back- to- back letters of credit
b) The beneficiary under the letter of credit may receive payment even at the pre-shipment stage
c) The beneficiary under the letter of credit may receive payment even at the post-shipment stage
d) The cash advance is not permitted against such letter of credits
13. The Shipping guarantee is a?
a) Type of a letter of credit
b) Guarantee issued by the ship captain to the purchaser
c) Guarantee issued to the borrower towards the loan granted by the shipping company
d) Deferred payment guarantee issued by a banker at the request of the consignee when the documents are not received and goods are received, for facilitating the delivery of goods.
14. Which of the following statements is true?
a) The charge card is a credit instrument
b) Under this facility the cardholders need to pay amount within ten installments
c) Cardholder has to pay the 100% of the purchase amount within 30 days of purchase
d) The charge card shall have revolving credit
15. Which of the following is not augmented feature of a credit card?
a) Personal accident insurance
b) Cash withdrawals
c) Add-on facility
d) Issue of deferred guarantee
16. Which of the following is the disadvantage of going for public issue?
a) Liquidity to existing shares
b) Increase in visibility and reputation to the company
c) Better pricing and placement with new investors
d) Need to make continuous disclosures
17. Which of the following is not a criterion to select the Investment Bankers?
a) No professional memberships or incorporations are required
b) General reputation in the market
c) Good rapport with market intermediaries
d) Distribution net work of the organization
18. Which of the following is not an asset of a bank?
a) Notes and small coins
b) Overdue recurring deposits
c) Short term loans
d) Staff advances
19. The banking company has restriction to sanction loan to?
a) Directors of the bank
b) Staff working in the bank
c) Students going abroad
d) Professionals
20. Which of the following is a non-depository institution?
a) Credit unions
b) Commercial banks
c) Mutual funds
d) Regional rural banks
21. The disadvantage associated with leasing company is?
a) Low costs
b) Flexibility in payments
c) Eliminates the risk of obsolescence
d) High competitions because of entry to all financial institutions
22. Which of the following theory is associated with the financial system in the economic growth?
a) Retributive theory
b) Reformative theory
c) Financial repression theory
d) Jurisdictional theory
23.Which of the following is not a financial intermediary in the financial markets?
a) Pension funds
b) Credit unions
c) Life insurance companies
d) Small scale service institute.
24 Which of the following is not a function of a commercial bank?
a) Registration of charges and mortgages
b) Transactions services
c) Asset transaction
d) Real-time Gross Settlement
25. Which of the following is one of the three pillars of new Basel Capital Award?
a) Market competitions
b) Market rapport
c) Market discipline
d) International market relations
26. The interest in savings bank accounts of a bank is calculated on?
a) Minimum amount of balance that is maintained in the account in between 10th and the last day of month
b) Maximum amount of balance that is maintained in the account in between 10th and the last of month
c) Minimum amount of balance that is maintained in the account in between 1st and the last day of month
d) Maximum amount of balance that is maintained in the account in between 1st and the last of month
27. The credit policy of a bank does not deal with?
a) Credit risk management
b) Documentation standards
c) Review and renewal of advances
d) Outstanding balances in deposit accounts
28. Issuing credit cards is a component of ?
a) Corporate banking
b) Rural banking
c) Retail banking
d) Micro finance
29. The origin of bank instruments can be traced to?
a) The priests and worship places of public deposits
b) Goldsmith receipts
c) Bonds issued by the British Government in India
d) Bank notes issued by Bank of Venice
30. Which of the following is not the function of commercial banks?
a) Providing transaction services
b) Intermediation in financial services
c) Providing transformation services
d) Regulating the issue of bank notes.
31 Which of the following is the most important challenge before the commercial bank?
a) Maintenance of foreign currency
b) Evaluating the need of the customers
c) Maintenance of SLR and CRR
d) Meet the technological revolution
32. The asset's side of balance sheet consists of ?
a) Cash balances with other banks
b) Fixed deposits of customers
c) Savings deposits
d) Recurring deposits
33. Which of the following is an income for a bank?
a) Depreciation on bank's property
b) Interest on inter bank borrowings
c) Profit on revaluation of investments
d) Provisions made on account of write-offs
34. Saving Bank Account can be opened in the name of ?
a) State text book printing corporations
b) District level housing cooperative societies
c) Communist Party of India
d) Aravind Samuel, Anurag Deepak and Amarish Sugandhi Jointly
35. The interest on recurring deposit is paid on the basis of ?
a) Simple interest calculated monthly basis
b) Simple interest on monthly products basis
c) Quarterly compounding
d) Interest calculated on daily products basis
36. Which of the following statements is true?
i. Term deposits are non-transaction deposits
ii. Cheques can be issued on short-term deposits
iii. All term deposits are interest bearing deposits
a) (i) only
b) (ii) only
c) (iii) only
d) (i) and (iii)
37. The credit policy laid down by the top management of a bank does not deal with?
a) Credit risk management
b) Pricing of the credit products
c) Appraisal of time and demand deposits
d) Documentation standards.
38. Which of the following factors is not required to be considered to analyze the repayment capacity of a borrower?
a) Working capital management
b) Personal educational qualifications
c) Financial leverage
d) Interest rate risk management
39. Which of the following is a facilitating service of core loan products of retail banking services?
a) Current or savings accounts
b) Legal services for documentation
c) Delivery of loan at promised time period
d) Flexibility in prepayment of loan
40. Which of the following is an most important advantage of retail banking on the resource side?
a) Consumer loans are low risk products
b) Innovative product development and disbursal
c) Increases the subsidiary business of a bank
d) Requires less efforts to market retail loan products
41. Lenders may not provide trade-offs to the borrowers on the basic term of consumer installment credit relating to?
a) Interest rate
b) Maturity of the loan
c) Maturity of the deposit
d) Quantum of finance
42. Which of the following is the risk associated with the retail banking?
a) Strong recovery strategy
b) Definite lending limits
c) Effective credit process and proposals
d) Inadequate risk pricing
43 The advantage of consortium finance is?
i. Speedy transactions and individual approach
ii. Involvement of huge amounts
iii. Use of expertise of all the banks
a) (i) only
b) (ii) only
c) (iii) only
d) (i), (ii) and (iii)
44 Which of the following is not a function of the agent bank in loan syndication?
a) Ensuring the compliance of conditions precedent under the loan agreement
b) Determining the LIBOR interest rate for each interest rate
c) Planning for future syndication of loans
d) Receiving notices relating to cancellation of any part of the loan
45. Which of the following is not a phase/step in the formation of loan syndication?
a) Finalization of supply agreement
b) Identify the needs of the borrower
c) Preparation of information memorandum
d) Invite other banks to participate
46. Which of the following statements is true?
a) SSI is an undertaking in which the investments in fixed assets in plant and machinery does not exceed one million
b) Small and medium enterprises both in size and shape are not homogenous in nature
c) The small and medium enterprises contribution towards the GDP is nominal
d) Small and medium enterprises do not support the large industries.
47. The Nayak Committee has suggested the turnover method for assessing the working capital and pegged it at?
a) 15% of the projected annual turnover, as working capital limit
b) 20% of the projected annual turnover, as working capital limit
c) 25% of the projected annual turnover, as working capital limit
d) 30% of the projected annual turnover, as working capital limit
48. Which of the following is not a part of the rehabilitation package granted for revival of sick industry?
a) Waiver of penal interests
b) Funding by sanctioning of term loans towards the unpaid installments of loans
c) Grant of additional working capital loans
d) Not demanding the promoters contribution towards the rehabilitation package
49. Service Area Approach is associated with?
a) Industrial finance
b) Microfinance
c) Rural finance
d) Consortium finance
50. Which of the following resources cannot be securitized?
a) Credit balances outstanding in cash credit accounts
b) Credit Card receivables
c) Hire purchase receivable
d) Mortgage in lieu of future payments
51. Which of the following is a type of anticipatory letter of credit?
a) Green clause letter of credit
b) Yellow clause letter of credit
c) Back to back letters of credit
d) Revolving letter of credit
52. Performance guarantee is issued?
a) In lieu of earnest money
b) In lieu of retention money
c) In lieu of indemnity bonds
d) For successful competition of Turnkey projects
53. Which of the following is not a transfer of funds by using the electronic media?
a) Mail transfer of funds
b) Telegraphic transfer of funds
c) Electronic credit transfers
d) Electronic clearing transfers
54. Which of the following is not an augmenting feature of credit cards?
a) Personal accident insurance
b) Cash withdrawal facility
c) Add-On facility
d) Automatic recovery of interest on term loans
55 Which of the following is a disadvantage of going public issue?
a) Provides liquidity to existing shares
b) Commands better pricing than placement with few investors
c) Increased regulatory norms
d) Enables valuation of the company
56 Which of the following is not a reason for regulating the banking operations?
a) Banks hold a major portion of the public savings
b) Banks intermediate between the savings and investments
c) Banks hold a large part of the money supply
d) Banks earn profit from non-fund services
57. Which of the following statements is true?
a) Resave Bank of India empowers the banks to open branches according to their will and pleasure
b) Reserve Bank of India is a central bank which monitors only lending activities pertaining to export credit
c) Banks have authority to establish the ATMs at their convenience
d) Rural banks of commercial banks do not have freedom to issue credit cards
58. When the customer withdraws cash from ATM, the banker and customer relation ship is?
a) Debtor and Creditor
b) Creditor and Debtor
c) Lessor and Lessee
d) Agent and principal
59. Which of the following is a public sector Bank?
60. Trade control in India is regulated by?
a) RBI
c) EXIM Bank
61 Which of the following businesses is prohibited as per Sec 8 of B.R Act 1949?
a) Executing the trusts
b) Leasing
c) Retail trading
d) Underwriting
62. Which of the following is not one of the essential elements of internal audit?
a) Totality
b) Expertise
c) Independence
d) Subjectivity
63. The letter of credit, which facilitates the exporter to get pre- shipment finance (from the stage of purchase of raw material until the warehousing of the finished goods) from advising bank is called?
a) Red Clause LC
b) Lines of credit
c) Packing credit loan
d) Green Clause LC
64. A term loan is classified as a non-performing asset, if interest or installment is overdue for period exceeding how many days?
a) 90
b) 91
c) 180
d) 182
65. Which of the following is an interest bearing demand deposit?
a) Time Deposit
b) Re-investment deposits
c) Cash Certificates
d) Savings Bank account
66. Debt Recovery Tribunals accept petitions from Banks and financial institutions, only when the amount of suit is for Rs?
a) 1 00 000 and above
b) 5 00 000 and above
c) 7 50 000 and above
d) 10 00 000 and above
67. An endorsement is deemed as an instruction to?
a) Collecting Bank
b) Paying Bank
c) Drawer
d) Payee
68. Ideal Credit deposit ratio for a bank is?
a) 60%
b) 40%
c) 90%
d) 30%
69. The rate at which RBI rediscounts the bills of commercial banks is called as?
a) Bank Rate
b) Prime Lending rate
c) Repo rate
70. Which of the following is not one of the RBI directives on clean note policy?
a) Currency note packets are not to be stapled and secured with paper bands
b) Soiled notes are to be stapled before they are remitted to Currency Chest.
c) Water mark window of bank notes shall not contain any writings
d) Currency notes are to be sorted in to Issuable and non-issuable notes.
71. Which of the following committees are related to 'Micro financing'?
a) Nayak Committee
b) Tandon committee
c) Vyas Committee
d) Narasimham committee
72. The relation ship between RBI and the Bank maintaining the currency chest is that of?
a) Debtor and Creditor
b) Principal and Agent
c) Bailor and Bailee
d) Creditor and Debtor
73. Normally, the number of members in a self Help Group shall not exceed?
a) 10
b) 20
c) 50
d) 15
74. Short fall in fulfilling the targets of Priority sector and agricultural finance by domestic commercial banks shall be deposited with/in?
c) RBI
75. The maturity value of a Recurring deposit with a monthly contribution of Rs 500 kept for a period of 12 months, at 9% interest rate compounded quarterly would be Rs.?
a) 6, 265
b) 6, 625
c) 7, 255
d) 7, 555
76. Which of the following is not an imperfect note?
a) Washed note
b) Bleached note
c) Mutilated note
d) Oiled note
77. Credit rating helps in measuring the credit risk and facilitates?
a) Considering higher credit limits
b) Making loan provisioning at an early stage
c) Accurately calculate the probable loan losses
d) Pricing of a loan
78. The Reverse Repo has the following characteristic?
a) Borrowing by RBI from banks
b) Borrowing with government security as collateral
c) Short term borrowing
d) All of these
79. Under the Nayak Committee recommendations, the quantum of working capital limits from the bank is minimum percentage of the projected annual sales?
a) 5%
b) 15%
c) 20%
d) 25%
80. Banks insist on providing finance for those projects or activities only which they consider to be viable. What is meant by viability of project?
a) Capacity to generate cash, adequate to service debt and surplus for borrower's personal requirement.
b) Generation of cash to meet debt liability
c) Generation of profits.
d) Generation of gross profits
81. Letter of negative lien obtained from borrower by a bank contains?
a) An undertaking that the property mortgaged to the bank is his own
b) A confirmation that the borrower had earlier deposited title deeds to create mortgage on the property.
c) An undertaking not to create any encumbrance/lien on the property which he owns but not yet mortgaged to the bank
d) A declaration that he is the joint owner of the property furnishing the details of his share and valuation thereof.
82. Which of the following statement is CORRECT?
a) Consortium advances to be treated as NPA on the basis of recovery by individual banks
b) If one facility of a borrower is treated as NPA other facilities to him also to be treated as NPA even if there are no irregularities in that account.
c) Consortium must be formed if the total exposure of fund based limit exceeds Rs 100 crore.
d) Both (a) and (b)
83. If an IPO is under-priced, which of the following can be considered as consequences/implications of the same?
I. The company looses the opportunity to raise more funds
II. Under pricing would give less returns to the investor
III. Under pricing results in lower net worth on an increased equity.
a) Only (II) above
b) Only (III) above
c) Both (I) and (III) above
d) Both (II) and (III) above all.
84. Corporate Bank files suit for recovery of its loan against the guarantor only and not the borrower. Guarantor pleads in the court that before filing suit against him, money should be recovered from the borrower. In such circumstances, the bank can seek recourse in the court against?
a) All the liable parties together only
b) Any one of them at a time
c) All separately
d) At its discretion it can proceed against any one
85. A letter of credit (LC) wherein the credit available to the customer gets reinstated after the bill is paid is known as?
a) Back to back LC
b) Red clause LC
c) Back to front LC
d) Revolving LC
86. Regional Rural Banks are?
a) Private Sector scheduled commercial banks
b) Cooperative banks
c) Foreign banks
d) Public sector scheduled commercial banks
87. Large corporate customers demand?
a) Short term products from their banks irrespective of the cost at their times of need.
b) Increasingly sophisticated products from their banks at the lowest possible cost.
c) Disintegrated financial products from their banks at the lowest possible cost.
d) Basic banking products from their banks but with speed and efficiency.
88. Funded Services under corporate banking does not include?
a) Working Capital Finance
b) Bill Discounting
c) Export Credit
d) Letters of Credit
89. Which of the following is not directly involved in rural lending?
a) Cooperatives
b) RRBs
c) Commercial banks
90. PACSs provide?
a) Mainly long term credit
b) Mainly short term credit
c) Both long term and short term credit
d) Do not provide any credit
91. The purpose of which is to make credit of available to essential sectors of the economy according to national priorities?
a) Selective Credit Control (SCC)
b) Maintenance of cash reserve
c) Reserve fund
d) Comprehensive Credit Control
92. The system of note issue followed by the RBI is?
a) Proportional reserve system
b) Minimum reserve system
c) Minimum fiduciary system
d) Maximum fiduciary system
93. The rate at which the Reserve Bank of India lends to the commercial banks in very short term against the backing of the Government securities is known as?
a) Bank rate
b) Repo rate
c) Reverse Repo
d) Discount rate
94. Scheduled banks are those?
a) Includued in the 2nd schedule of the Banking Regulation Act-1949
b) Includued in the 2nd schedule of the Companies Act-1956
c) Includued in the 2nd schedule of the Reserve Bank of India Act -1934
d) Bank Nationalization Act -1969
95. The following is classified as a public sector bank?
a) ICICI Bank
b) IDBI Bank Ltd
c) Axis Bank
d) Local area bank
96. The banker-customer relationship in credit card payment is?
a) Creditor-debtor
b) Debtor-creditor
c) Agent principal
d) Principal-agent
97. The base rate is set by?
a) Individual banks
b) RBI
c) Government of India
d)RBI in consultation with Government
98. State Bank of India's new floating rate of deposit is directly linked to?
a) Inflation Rate
c) Base Rate
d) BankRate
99. Six private sector banks were nationalised on April 15, 1980, whose reserves were more than?
a) 100 Crores
b) Rs. 200 crores
c) 300 crores
d) 400 crores
100. Security printing press was established in 1982 at?
a) Kolkata
b) New Delhi
c) Bombay
d) Hyderabad
1) d 2) c 3) d 4) d 5) d 6) c 7) b 8) d 9) a 10) c
11) c 12) b 13) d 14) c 15) d 16) d 17) a 18) b 19) a 20) c
21) d 22) c 23) d 24) a 25) c 26) a 27) d 28) c 29) b 30) d
31) d 32) a 33) c 34) d 35) c 36) d 37) c 38) b 39) a 40) c
41) c 42) d 43) d 44) c 45) a 46) b 47) b 48) d 49) c 50) a
51) a 52) d 53) a 54) d 55) c 56) d 57) c 58) a 59) a 60) d
61) c 62) d 63) d 64) a 65) d 66) d 67) b 68) a 69) a 70) b
71) c 72) b 73) b 74) a 75) a 76) c 77) d 78) d 79) c 80) a
81) c 82) a 83) c 84) d 85) d 86) d 87) b 88) d 89) d 90) b
91) a 92) b 93) b 94) c 95) b 96) b 97) a 98) c 99) b 100) d

current g.k

The venue of 4th SAARC Folklore and Heritage Festival to be held from September 30
The team which has won the Federation Cup 2011 by defeating East Bengal in the finals
The recipient of 2011 Right Livelihood Award for his outstanding success in the development and mass-deployment of cutting-edge technologies for harnessing solar energy
Huang Ming (China)
The experimental module, the first of series in China's programme to finally launch a space station, launched by China from the Jiuquan launch centre on 29 Sep 2011 is named
Tiangong - I
The venue of 1st Asian Men Circle Style Kabbadi Championship which India won defeating Pakistan in the finals
Tabriz in Iran
The typhoon which lashed Luzon, the main island of Phillipines on Sep 28, 2011. The typhoon later moved on to China and Vietnam.
Typhoon Nesat
The East Bengal footballer who has been awarded the Fan’s Player of the Year and also the FPAI Player of the Year 2011 by Football Players Association of India
Mehtab Hossain
The variety of fish which has been declared to the official fish of Madhya Pradesh by its Chief Minister
The ship carrying valuable silver from India which was destroyed by the Germans during World War II and whose wreckage has been discovered in North Atlantic was named
SS Gairsoppa
The chemical which, (originally used to preserve dead bodies in mortuaries), has been found to be used to preserve fish during transportation by unscrupulous businessmen in Punjab
The country which has granted its women citizens the right to vote and contest in elections for the first time
Saudi Arabia
The 2004 Nobel Peace Prize winner, Wangari Maathai, who died on 25 Sep belonged to
India's most expensive living artist whose untitled painting sold for a record high of Rs. 7.19 crore
Tyeb Mehta
The author of the controversial book Controversially Yours
Shoaib Akhtar
The venue of 8th International Abilympics, a vocational skill competition among the person with disability
Seoul, Korea
A herbal formulation named Perfomax to improve physical and mental performance in High Altitude and Hypoxic Conditions has been developed by
Sathyamangalam forest which has recently been declared a wildlife sanctuary is located in
The typhoon which struck Japan on 21 Sep 11, killing people and disrupting public transportation in northeastern Japan including the tsunami-crippled Fukushima was named
Typhoon Roke
The state which has become the first state in the country to have launched Swarnajayanti Aarogya Bima Yojana providing health insurance cover for the entire resident population of the state
The Hindi authors who have been chosen for Jnanpith Award 2009
Amar Kant and Shrilal Shukla
The Kannada author who has been chosen for Jnanpith Award 2010
Chandrasekhar Kambar
The new and the first woman Prime Minister of Denmark
Helle Thorning-Schimdt
The new President of Board of Cricket Control of India
N Srinivasan
The largest ever joint naval exercise between India and Sri Lanka being conducted off the coast of Trincomalee is code-named
The singer who has been conferred the Viswavikhyata Sangeetha Kala Saraswathi award by the T Subbarami Reddy Lalithakala Parishat
P Susheela
The company which has been awarded the Rajiv Gandhi Award for Clean Technology for the year 2009-10
Lanco Tanjore Power Co. Ltd
The state which has resorted to culling of birds to prevent spread of avian flu reported in some of its districts
The country which has become the 62nd nation to ratify the Convention on Cluster Bombs
The bio-diversity hot spot region in India where 12 new species of frogs have been discovered by the researchers from Bombay Natural History Society, the Zoological Survey of India and Belgium''s Vrije University
Western Ghats
Scrub Typhus which has taken the lives of at least 12 people in Himachal Pradesh is caused by the bite of an infected
Marcoule nuclear processing plant which witnessed an explosion resulting in death of 1 person and injury of 3 others is located in
Gautam Rajadhyaksha who passed away on 13 Sep 2011 was a renowned
Miss Leila Lopes who was crowned Miss Universe 2011 at the pagaent held Sao Paulo, Brazil belongs to
The first aircraft developed by Mahindra Aerospace (which made its maiden flight in Sep 11) in partnership with CSIR-Nal and GippsAero is named
The company which has been awarded the Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Shield for effective implementation of Official language Hindi
Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd
The team which topped the medals tally at the 51st National Open Athletics Championship with 17 gold, 13 silver and 8 bronze
The venue of 51st National Open Athletics Championship held in Sep 2011
According to America's Census Bureau's annual report for 2010 released recently the overall percentage of poverty in the USA is
15.1% or 46.2 million
The sportspersons who have been conferred the rank of honorary Lieutenant Colonel in the Territorial Army by President Pratibha Patil
MS Dhoni and Abhinav Bindra
The Indian cricketer who has been awarded the International Cricket Council's Spirit of Cricket Award 2011. See all ICC Awards here
MS Dhoni
The Serbian tennis player who has won the US Open 2011 Men's singles title
Novak Djokovic
The Australian tennis player who has won the US Open 2011 Women's singles title
Samantha Stosur
The place at which Oceansat-2 ground station (data reception and processing system) has been set up to receive and process data from Ocean Colour Monitor on-board the Indian Remote Sensing Satellite Oceansat-2
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (Incois), Hyderabad
The new Chief Minister of Uttarakhand replacing Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank
BC Khanduri
The state which has been awarded the Decadal Literacy Award for achieving highest decadal growth in literacy rate in the country
The venue of cultural programme "Remembering Tagore" held to commemorate the 150th Birth Anniversary of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore.
NASA on Sep 10, 2011 launched a pair of washing-machine-sized satellites on a mission to map the Moon's inner core for the first time. The spacecrafts are named
The country which has won the Women's Asian Champions Trophy defeating China in the final at Ordos, China. Japan defeated India to take the 3rd place.
South Korea
This country's National Institute for the Education of Adults has been awarded the 2011 UNESCO King Sejong Literacy Prize for its Bilingual Literacy for Life Programme
This country's National Literacy Service was awarded the 2011 UNESCO King Sejong Literacy Prize for its National Literacy Programme
The organisation which has developed Lukoskin, a herbal product for Leucoderma
Defence Institute of Bio-energy Research (DIBER) under DRDO
The country which topped the medals tally at the World Athletics Championships in Daegu, South Korea. See more on the event
United States of America
The Jamaican athlete who won the men's 100 meters event at the World Athletics Championships in Daegu, South Korea after Usain Bolt was disqualified for a false start
Yohan Blake
The rank of India in The Global Competitiveness Index rankings published by World Economic Forum recently
The country which ranks first in The Global Competitiveness Index rankings as per the report of 2011-2012 published by World Economic Forum recently
The statutory body of Min. of Environment and Forests, which has been selected for Chief Dave Cameron Award 2010 for excellence in Environmental Crimes Enforcement and Education by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)
Wildlife Crime Control Bureau (WCCB)
The Typhoon that recently lashed Japanese island of Shikoku and Honshu
Venue of first ever World Gaming Festival to be held from Sep 23
Jhangir Sabavala, who passed away on Sep 2 was a renowned
The Indian who has been recently awarded the Special Book Award, China's highest literary award
Prof BR Deepak
The venue of 71st World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences to be held from September 3rd


1. Which of the following statements is true?
a) The licence to open branches of bank is granted by Board of Directors of that Bank
b) There is no need of licenses to open branch of a bank
c) A licence to open a branch is issued by the Central Government
d) A licence to open a branch is issued by the Reserve Bank of India under the provisions of Banking Regulation Act, 1949
2. The important condition for granting licence of banking companies is?
a) Banking company need not plan to pay for future depositors
b) Banking company can plan for its capital structure once the licence is granted
c) The business undertaken by the banking company should not frustrate the interest of public
d) The banking company can undertake business other than banking with the permission of annual general body
3. Who of the following is not a party to the IPO?
a) Registrar of Issue
b) Investment Banker
c) Advertisement Agency
d) Registrar of Companies
4. Which of the following is not shown as an asset in the balance sheet of a Bank?
a) Investments
b) Advances
c) Cash Balances with other banks
d) Borrowings
5. The credit policy of a bank does not consists of?
a) Lending policies
b) Quality control
c) Loan product mix
d) Advertising of loan products
6. Which of the following is a function of the agent bank relating to flow of money in the process of loan syndication?
a) Receiving notices relating to cancellation of any part of the loan
b) Calling of loans in the event of default
c) Receiving the fee from the borrower and distributing among the participating banks
d) Receiving notices relating to transfers of banks
7. Which of the following is the parameter to recognize the SSI unit as sick unit?
a) The erosion in the net-worth due to accumulated losses is up to 25% of its net worth during the previous account year
b) The erosion in the net-worth due to accumulated losses is up to 50% of its net worth during the previous account year.
c) The unit should have been in commercial production for at least five years
d) Lack of updations in technological development
8. Which of the following is not the service provided by the Small Industries Service Institute?
a) Providing entrepreneurship development programs
b) Developmental efforts
c) Export promotion and liaison activities
d) Financial support
9. Service Area Approach (SAA) is associated with?
a) Rural and Semi-urban branches of commercial banks
b) Urban branches of commercial banks
c) Branches of commercial banks situated in metro cities
d) Development banks
10. Which of the following cannot be securitized?
a) Future rentals of a fishing boat
b) Hire purchase receivables
c) Demand drafts received by the banker during clearing
d) Future billings for an airline
11. Which of the following statements is true?
a) The special purpose vehicle (SPV) purchases the assets from the borrower directly during the securitization
b) The originator and obligor are the same persons in securitization process
c) Administrator collects the payments due from the obligor and passes it to the SPV and follows with defaulters
d) Mortgage based securitization provides high yields to the investor
12. The important feature of an anticipatory letter of credit is that?
a) The letter of credit can be used as back- to- back letters of credit
b) The beneficiary under the letter of credit may receive payment even at the pre-shipment stage
c) The beneficiary under the letter of credit may receive payment even at the post-shipment stage
d) The cash advance is not permitted against such letter of credits
13. The Shipping guarantee is a?
a) Type of a letter of credit
b) Guarantee issued by the ship captain to the purchaser
c) Guarantee issued to the borrower towards the loan granted by the shipping company
d) Deferred payment guarantee issued by a banker at the request of the consignee when the documents are not received and goods are received, for facilitating the delivery of goods.
14. Which of the following statements is true?
a) The charge card is a credit instrument
b) Under this facility the cardholders need to pay amount within ten installments
c) Cardholder has to pay the 100% of the purchase amount within 30 days of purchase
d) The charge card shall have revolving credit
15. Which of the following is not augmented feature of a credit card?
a) Personal accident insurance
b) Cash withdrawals
c) Add-on facility
d) Issue of deferred guarantee
16. Which of the following is the disadvantage of going for public issue?
a) Liquidity to existing shares
b) Increase in visibility and reputation to the company
c) Better pricing and placement with new investors
d) Need to make continuous disclosures
17. Which of the following is not a criterion to select the Investment Bankers?
a) No professional memberships or incorporations are required
b) General reputation in the market
c) Good rapport with market intermediaries
d) Distribution net work of the organization
18. Which of the following is not an asset of a bank?
a) Notes and small coins
b) Overdue recurring deposits
c) Short term loans
d) Staff advances
19. The banking company has restriction to sanction loan to?
a) Directors of the bank
b) Staff working in the bank
c) Students going abroad
d) Professionals
20. Which of the following is a non-depository institution?
a) Credit unions
b) Commercial banks
c) Mutual funds
d) Regional rural banks
21. The disadvantage associated with leasing company is?
a) Low costs
b) Flexibility in payments
c) Eliminates the risk of obsolescence
d) High competitions because of entry to all financial institutions
22. Which of the following theory is associated with the financial system in the economic growth?
a) Retributive theory
b) Reformative theory
c) Financial repression theory
d) Jurisdictional theory
23.Which of the following is not a financial intermediary in the financial markets?
a) Pension funds
b) Credit unions
c) Life insurance companies
d) Small scale service institute.
24 Which of the following is not a function of a commercial bank?
a) Registration of charges and mortgages
b) Transactions services
c) Asset transaction
d) Real-time Gross Settlement
25. Which of the following is one of the three pillars of new Basel Capital Award?
a) Market competitions
b) Market rapport
c) Market discipline
d) International market relations
26. The interest in savings bank accounts of a bank is calculated on?
a) Minimum amount of balance that is maintained in the account in between 10th and the last day of month
b) Maximum amount of balance that is maintained in the account in between 10th and the last of month
c) Minimum amount of balance that is maintained in the account in between 1st and the last day of month
d) Maximum amount of balance that is maintained in the account in between 1st and the last of month
27. The credit policy of a bank does not deal with?
a) Credit risk management
b) Documentation standards
c) Review and renewal of advances
d) Outstanding balances in deposit accounts
28. Issuing credit cards is a component of ?
a) Corporate banking
b) Rural banking
c) Retail banking
d) Micro finance
29. The origin of bank instruments can be traced to?
a) The priests and worship places of public deposits
b) Goldsmith receipts
c) Bonds issued by the British Government in India
d) Bank notes issued by Bank of Venice
30. Which of the following is not the function of commercial banks?
a) Providing transaction services
b) Intermediation in financial services
c) Providing transformation services
d) Regulating the issue of bank notes.
31 Which of the following is the most important challenge before the commercial bank?
a) Maintenance of foreign currency
b) Evaluating the need of the customers
c) Maintenance of SLR and CRR
d) Meet the technological revolution
32. The asset's side of balance sheet consists of ?
a) Cash balances with other banks
b) Fixed deposits of customers
c) Savings deposits
d) Recurring deposits
33. Which of the following is an income for a bank?
a) Depreciation on bank's property
b) Interest on inter bank borrowings
c) Profit on revaluation of investments
d) Provisions made on account of write-offs
34. Saving Bank Account can be opened in the name of ?
a) State text book printing corporations
b) District level housing cooperative societies
c) Communist Party of India
d) Aravind Samuel, Anurag Deepak and Amarish Sugandhi Jointly
35. The interest on recurring deposit is paid on the basis of ?
a) Simple interest calculated monthly basis
b) Simple interest on monthly products basis
c) Quarterly compounding
d) Interest calculated on daily products basis
36. Which of the following statements is true?
i. Term deposits are non-transaction deposits
ii. Cheques can be issued on short-term deposits
iii. All term deposits are interest bearing deposits
a) (i) only
b) (ii) only
c) (iii) only
d) (i) and (iii)
37. The credit policy laid down by the top management of a bank does not deal with?
a) Credit risk management
b) Pricing of the credit products
c) Appraisal of time and demand deposits
d) Documentation standards.
38. Which of the following factors is not required to be considered to analyze the repayment capacity of a borrower?
a) Working capital management
b) Personal educational qualifications
c) Financial leverage
d) Interest rate risk management
39. Which of the following is a facilitating service of core loan products of retail banking services?
a) Current or savings accounts
b) Legal services for documentation
c) Delivery of loan at promised time period
d) Flexibility in prepayment of loan
40. Which of the following is an most important advantage of retail banking on the resource side?
a) Consumer loans are low risk products
b) Innovative product development and disbursal
c) Increases the subsidiary business of a bank
d) Requires less efforts to market retail loan products
41. Lenders may not provide trade-offs to the borrowers on the basic term of consumer installment credit relating to?
a) Interest rate
b) Maturity of the loan
c) Maturity of the deposit
d) Quantum of finance
42. Which of the following is the risk associated with the retail banking?
a) Strong recovery strategy
b) Definite lending limits
c) Effective credit process and proposals
d) Inadequate risk pricing
43 The advantage of consortium finance is?
i. Speedy transactions and individual approach
ii. Involvement of huge amounts
iii. Use of expertise of all the banks
a) (i) only
b) (ii) only
c) (iii) only
d) (i), (ii) and (iii)
44 Which of the following is not a function of the agent bank in loan syndication?
a) Ensuring the compliance of conditions precedent under the loan agreement
b) Determining the LIBOR interest rate for each interest rate
c) Planning for future syndication of loans
d) Receiving notices relating to cancellation of any part of the loan
45. Which of the following is not a phase/step in the formation of loan syndication?
a) Finalization of supply agreement
b) Identify the needs of the borrower
c) Preparation of information memorandum
d) Invite other banks to participate
46. Which of the following statements is true?
a) SSI is an undertaking in which the investments in fixed assets in plant and machinery does not exceed one million
b) Small and medium enterprises both in size and shape are not homogenous in nature
c) The small and medium enterprises contribution towards the GDP is nominal
d) Small and medium enterprises do not support the large industries.
47. The Nayak Committee has suggested the turnover method for assessing the working capital and pegged it at?
a) 15% of the projected annual turnover, as working capital limit
b) 20% of the projected annual turnover, as working capital limit
c) 25% of the projected annual turnover, as working capital limit
d) 30% of the projected annual turnover, as working capital limit
48. Which of the following is not a part of the rehabilitation package granted for revival of sick industry?
a) Waiver of penal interests
b) Funding by sanctioning of term loans towards the unpaid installments of loans
c) Grant of additional working capital loans
d) Not demanding the promoters contribution towards the rehabilitation package
49. Service Area Approach is associated with?
a) Industrial finance
b) Microfinance
c) Rural finance
d) Consortium finance
50. Which of the following resources cannot be securitized?
a) Credit balances outstanding in cash credit accounts
b) Credit Card receivables
c) Hire purchase receivable
d) Mortgage in lieu of future payments
51. Which of the following is a type of anticipatory letter of credit?
a) Green clause letter of credit
b) Yellow clause letter of credit
c) Back to back letters of credit
d) Revolving letter of credit
52. Performance guarantee is issued?
a) In lieu of earnest money
b) In lieu of retention money
c) In lieu of indemnity bonds
d) For successful competition of Turnkey projects
53. Which of the following is not a transfer of funds by using the electronic media?
a) Mail transfer of funds
b) Telegraphic transfer of funds
c) Electronic credit transfers
d) Electronic clearing transfers
54. Which of the following is not an augmenting feature of credit cards?
a) Personal accident insurance
b) Cash withdrawal facility
c) Add-On facility
d) Automatic recovery of interest on term loans
55 Which of the following is a disadvantage of going public issue?
a) Provides liquidity to existing shares
b) Commands better pricing than placement with few investors
c) Increased regulatory norms
d) Enables valuation of the company
56 Which of the following is not a reason for regulating the banking operations?
a) Banks hold a major portion of the public savings
b) Banks intermediate between the savings and investments
c) Banks hold a large part of the money supply
d) Banks earn profit from non-fund services
57. Which of the following statements is true?
a) Resave Bank of India empowers the banks to open branches according to their will and pleasure
b) Reserve Bank of India is a central bank which monitors only lending activities pertaining to export credit
c) Banks have authority to establish the ATMs at their convenience
d) Rural banks of commercial banks do not have freedom to issue credit cards
58. When the customer withdraws cash from ATM, the banker and customer relation ship is?
a) Debtor and Creditor
b) Creditor and Debtor
c) Lessor and Lessee
d) Agent and principal
59. Which of the following is a public sector Bank?
60. Trade control in India is regulated by?
a) RBI
c) EXIM Bank
61 Which of the following businesses is prohibited as per Sec 8 of B.R Act 1949?
a) Executing the trusts
b) Leasing
c) Retail trading
d) Underwriting
62. Which of the following is not one of the essential elements of internal audit?
a) Totality
b) Expertise
c) Independence
d) Subjectivity
63. The letter of credit, which facilitates the exporter to get pre- shipment finance (from the stage of purchase of raw material until the warehousing of the finished goods) from advising bank is called?
a) Red Clause LC
b) Lines of credit
c) Packing credit loan
d) Green Clause LC
64. A term loan is classified as a non-performing asset, if interest or installment is overdue for period exceeding how many days?
a) 90
b) 91
c) 180
d) 182
65. Which of the following is an interest bearing demand deposit?
a) Time Deposit
b) Re-investment deposits
c) Cash Certificates
d) Savings Bank account
66. Debt Recovery Tribunals accept petitions from Banks and financial institutions, only when the amount of suit is for Rs?
a) 1 00 000 and above
b) 5 00 000 and above
c) 7 50 000 and above
d) 10 00 000 and above
67. An endorsement is deemed as an instruction to?
a) Collecting Bank
b) Paying Bank
c) Drawer
d) Payee
68. Ideal Credit deposit ratio for a bank is?
a) 60%
b) 40%
c) 90%
d) 30%
69. The rate at which RBI rediscounts the bills of commercial banks is called as?
a) Bank Rate
b) Prime Lending rate
c) Repo rate
70. Which of the following is not one of the RBI directives on clean note policy?
a) Currency note packets are not to be stapled and secured with paper bands
b) Soiled notes are to be stapled before they are remitted to Currency Chest.
c) Water mark window of bank notes shall not contain any writings
d) Currency notes are to be sorted in to Issuable and non-issuable notes.
71. Which of the following committees are related to 'Micro financing'?
a) Nayak Committee
b) Tandon committee
c) Vyas Committee
d) Narasimham committee
72. The relation ship between RBI and the Bank maintaining the currency chest is that of?
a) Debtor and Creditor
b) Principal and Agent
c) Bailor and Bailee
d) Creditor and Debtor
73. Normally, the number of members in a self Help Group shall not exceed?
a) 10
b) 20
c) 50
d) 15
74. Short fall in fulfilling the targets of Priority sector and agricultural finance by domestic commercial banks shall be deposited with/in?
c) RBI
75. The maturity value of a Recurring deposit with a monthly contribution of Rs 500 kept for a period of 12 months, at 9% interest rate compounded quarterly would be Rs.?
a) 6, 265
b) 6, 625
c) 7, 255
d) 7, 555
76. Which of the following is not an imperfect note?
a) Washed note
b) Bleached note
c) Mutilated note
d) Oiled note
77. Credit rating helps in measuring the credit risk and facilitates?
a) Considering higher credit limits
b) Making loan provisioning at an early stage
c) Accurately calculate the probable loan losses
d) Pricing of a loan
78. The Reverse Repo has the following characteristic?
a) Borrowing by RBI from banks
b) Borrowing with government security as collateral
c) Short term borrowing
d) All of these
79. Under the Nayak Committee recommendations, the quantum of working capital limits from the bank is minimum percentage of the projected annual sales?
a) 5%
b) 15%
c) 20%
d) 25%
80. Banks insist on providing finance for those projects or activities only which they consider to be viable. What is meant by viability of project?
a) Capacity to generate cash, adequate to service debt and surplus for borrower's personal requirement.
b) Generation of cash to meet debt liability
c) Generation of profits.
d) Generation of gross profits
81. Letter of negative lien obtained from borrower by a bank contains?
a) An undertaking that the property mortgaged to the bank is his own
b) A confirmation that the borrower had earlier deposited title deeds to create mortgage on the property.
c) An undertaking not to create any encumbrance/lien on the property which he owns but not yet mortgaged to the bank
d) A declaration that he is the joint owner of the property furnishing the details of his share and valuation thereof.
82. Which of the following statement is CORRECT?
a) Consortium advances to be treated as NPA on the basis of recovery by individual banks
b) If one facility of a borrower is treated as NPA other facilities to him also to be treated as NPA even if there are no irregularities in that account.
c) Consortium must be formed if the total exposure of fund based limit exceeds Rs 100 crore.
d) Both (a) and (b)
83. If an IPO is under-priced, which of the following can be considered as consequences/implications of the same?
I. The company looses the opportunity to raise more funds
II. Under pricing would give less returns to the investor
III. Under pricing results in lower net worth on an increased equity.
a) Only (II) above
b) Only (III) above
c) Both (I) and (III) above
d) Both (II) and (III) above all.
84. Corporate Bank files suit for recovery of its loan against the guarantor only and not the borrower. Guarantor pleads in the court that before filing suit against him, money should be recovered from the borrower. In such circumstances, the bank can seek recourse in the court against?
a) All the liable parties together only
b) Any one of them at a time
c) All separately
d) At its discretion it can proceed against any one
85. A letter of credit (LC) wherein the credit available to the customer gets reinstated after the bill is paid is known as?
a) Back to back LC
b) Red clause LC
c) Back to front LC
d) Revolving LC
86. Regional Rural Banks are?
a) Private Sector scheduled commercial banks
b) Cooperative banks
c) Foreign banks
d) Public sector scheduled commercial banks
87. Large corporate customers demand?
a) Short term products from their banks irrespective of the cost at their times of need.
b) Increasingly sophisticated products from their banks at the lowest possible cost.
c) Disintegrated financial products from their banks at the lowest possible cost.
d) Basic banking products from their banks but with speed and efficiency.
88. Funded Services under corporate banking does not include?
a) Working Capital Finance
b) Bill Discounting
c) Export Credit
d) Letters of Credit
89. Which of the following is not directly involved in rural lending?
a) Cooperatives
b) RRBs
c) Commercial banks
90. PACSs provide?
a) Mainly long term credit
b) Mainly short term credit
c) Both long term and short term credit
d) Do not provide any credit
91. The purpose of which is to make credit of available to essential sectors of the economy according to national priorities?
a) Selective Credit Control (SCC)
b) Maintenance of cash reserve
c) Reserve fund
d) Comprehensive Credit Control
92. The system of note issue followed by the RBI is?
a) Proportional reserve system
b) Minimum reserve system
c) Minimum fiduciary system
d) Maximum fiduciary system
93. The rate at which the Reserve Bank of India lends to the commercial banks in very short term against the backing of the Government securities is known as?
a) Bank rate
b) Repo rate
c) Reverse Repo
d) Discount rate
94. Scheduled banks are those?
a) Includued in the 2nd schedule of the Banking Regulation Act-1949
b) Includued in the 2nd schedule of the Companies Act-1956
c) Includued in the 2nd schedule of the Reserve Bank of India Act -1934
d) Bank Nationalization Act -1969
95. The following is classified as a public sector bank?
a) ICICI Bank
b) IDBI Bank Ltd
c) Axis Bank
d) Local area bank
96. The banker-customer relationship in credit card payment is?
a) Creditor-debtor
b) Debtor-creditor
c) Agent principal
d) Principal-agent
97. The base rate is set by?
a) Individual banks
b) RBI
c) Government of India
d)RBI in consultation with Government
98. State Bank of India's new floating rate of deposit is directly linked to?
a) Inflation Rate
c) Base Rate
d) BankRate
99. Six private sector banks were nationalised on April 15, 1980, whose reserves were more than?
a) 100 Crores
b) Rs. 200 crores
c) 300 crores
d) 400 crores
100. Security printing press was established in 1982 at?
a) Kolkata
b) New Delhi
c) Bombay
d) Hyderabad
1) d 2) c 3) d 4) d 5) d 6) c 7) b 8) d 9) a 10) c
11) c 12) b 13) d 14) c 15) d 16) d 17) a 18) b 19) a 20) c
21) d 22) c 23) d 24) a 25) c 26) a 27) d 28) c 29) b 30) d
31) d 32) a 33) c 34) d 35) c 36) d 37) c 38) b 39) a 40) c
41) c 42) d 43) d 44) c 45) a 46) b 47) b 48) d 49) c 50) a
51) a 52) d 53) a 54) d 55) c 56) d 57) c 58) a 59) a 60) d
61) c 62) d 63) d 64) a 65) d 66) d 67) b 68) a 69) a 70) b
71) c 72) b 73) b 74) a 75) a 76) c 77) d 78) d 79) c 80) a
81) c 82) a 83) c 84) d 85) d 86) d 87) b 88) d 89) d 90) b
91) a 92) b 93) b 94) c 95) b 96) b 97) a 98) c 99) b 100) d