Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Nobel Prize winners of 2013 in the different categories........!!

Physiology or Medicine---------------

James Rothman....!!
Randy Schekman...!!
Thomas Suedhof....!!
( for their groundbreaking work on how the cell organises its transport system)......!!!!


Peter Higgs.....!!
Francois Engler.......!!
(for the theoretical discovery of a mechanism that contributes to our understanding of the origin of mass of subatomic particles.)


Michael Levitt........!!!
Martin Karplus......!!!!
Arieh Warshel......!!!!
(for the development of multi scale models for complex chemical systems).........!!!


The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)..........!!!
(for its extensive efforts to eliminate chemical weapons).....!!


Alice Munro.....!!
(master of the contemporary short story)


Eugene Fama...................!!!!
Lars Peter Hansen.............!!!!
Robert Shiller...................!!!!
(for their work on creating a deeper knowledge of how market prices move)..............!!!!

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