Wednesday, September 24, 2014

English Quiz

1) Contrary to popular opinion, bats are not generally_________ and rabid; most of them are shy and _____.
(1) dangerous .... harmless
(2) pernicious .... diffident
(3) aggressive .... innocuous
(4) contumacious .... nascent
(5) violent .... retiring

2) Anyone who is absolutely _____ and sensible is _____; so too is anyone who  is  completely confident and too certain about everything,  at  every occasion, everywhere.
(1) untainted . . . . irrational
(2) carefree . . . . charming
(3) ethical . . . . exalted
(4) scrupulous . . . . winsome
(5) calm . . . . unusual

3) By persuading ourselves that we can achieve _____ through unrestrained consumption and luxury, we are deceived into  ____  our  bejewelled freedom for the glass beads of conformity.
(1) success . . . . bartering
(2) contentment . . . . renouncing
(3) happiness . . . . sacrificing
(4) freedom . . . . surrendering
(5) satisfaction . . . . befriending

4) Social circumstances that _____ the individuals' impulses and deny them expressions  are those conditions  which  also  injure  them  and  ____  their efforts.
(1) stifle . . . undermine
(2) tarnish . . . destroy
(3) discourage . . . endanger
(4) silence . . . harm
(5) thwart . . . accommodate

5) Far  from  living  as  _____  in  the  world  as  the  leaf  that  moves  with  the ripples of a stream, the _____ is dedicated to an appalling life-long war against inner spirit and life, with destruction and misery guaranteed.
(1) harmoniously . . . hedonist
(2) flexibly . . . provincial
(3) progressively . . . saviour
(4) cohesively . . . sceptic
(5) flippantly . . . misogamist

6) Modern  men  and  women  who  insist  that  they  feel  completely  _____  in their work, are in fact, acknowledging the triumph of _____, which lies in the crushing of all experience of conflict.
(1) bound . . . eccentricity
(2) secure . . . conformity
(3) sedulous . . . conventionality
(4) engrossed . . . rebellion
(5) committed . . . routine

7) The telecom minister had been indicted by the Supreme court in the 2G spectrum scam,which resulted in a loss of about $1.7 trillion to the exchequer.
1)  had been indicted  by the Supreme  court  in  the  2G  spectrum  scam, which resulted
2)  has been indicted  in the 2G  spectrum scam by  the  Supreme court, which resulted
3)  has been indicted  by  the Supreme court  in the 2G  spectrum scam, which resulted
4)  is indicted by the Supreme court in the 2G spectrum scam that resulted
5)  has been indicted by the Supreme court in the 2G spectrum scam, resulting

8)  Public companies will be required to raise their governance game if they want to be able to compete against private firms.
1) Public companies will be required to raise their governance game if they want to be able to compete against private firms
2)  Public companies should raise their governance game if they wish to compete with private firms
3)  Public  companies  would  need  to  raise  their  governance  game  if  they  wish  to compete against private firms
4)   Public companies have  to need to  raise their governance game if they are to be in competition with private firms
5) Public companies will need to raise their governance game if they are to compete with private firms

9) It's  very  important  for  CEOs,  board  members,  and  other  nonfinancial  executives  to internalize  the  principles  of  value  creation  because  doing  it  allows  them  to  make independent, courageous, and even unpopular business decisions.
1)  because doing it allows them to make independent,  courageous,  and even unpopular business decisions
2)  because doing  that allows them  to  make  independent,  courageous,  but  even unpopular business decisions
3)  because doing so allows them to make independent, courageous, and even unpopular business decisions
4)  because doing so allow him  to make independent,  courageous,  and even unpopular business decisions
5)   because doing these allows them to make independent, courageous,  as well as unpopular business decisions

10) Though the concert had been enjoyable, it was protracted overly.
1)  it was overly protracted
2)  it overly protracted
3)  it protracted overly
4)  it got protracted overly
5)  it has got protracted overly

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