Saturday, September 3, 2011

important knowledge about banking and RBI committee

1. A C Shah Committee:NBFC
2. A Ghosh Committee:Final Accounts
3. A Ghosh Committee:Modalities Of Implementation Of New 20 Point Programme
4. A Ghosh Committee:Frauds & Malpractices In Banks
5. Abid Hussain Committee:Development Of Capital Markets
6. Adhyarjuna Committee:Changes In NI Act And Stamp Act
7. AK Bhuchar Committee:Coordination Between Term Lending Institutions And
Commercial Banks
8. B Eradi Committee:Insolvency And Wind Up Laws
9. B Sivaraman Committee:Institutional Credit For Agricultural & Rural
10. B Venkatappaiah Committee:All India Rural Credit Review
11. BD Shah Committee:Stock Lending Scheme
12. BD Thakar Committee:Job Criteria In Bank Loans (Approach)
13. Bhagwati Committee:Unemployment
14. Bhagwati Committee:Public Welfare
15. Bhave Committee:Share Transfer Reforms
16. Bhide Committee:Coordination Between Commercial Banks And SFC’s
17. Bhootlingam Committee:Wage, Income & Prices
18. C Rao Committee:Agricultural Policy
19. CE Kamath Committee:Multi Agency Approach In Agricultural Finance
20. Chatalier Committee:Finance To Small Scale Industry
21. Chesi Committee:Direct Taxes
22. Cook Committee (On Behalf Of BIS – Under Basel Committee ):Capital
Adequacy Of Banks
23. D R Mehta Committee:Review Progress And Recommend Improvement
Measures Of IRDP
24. Damle Committee:MICR
25. Dandekar Committee:Regional Imbalances
26. Dantwala Committee:Estimation Of Employments
27. Dave Committee:Mutual Funds (Functioning)
28. Dharia Committee:Public Distribution System
29. DR Gadgil Committee:Agricultural Finance
30. Dutta Committee:Industrial Licensing
31. G Lakshmai Narayan Committee:Extension Of Credit Limits On Basis Of
32. G Sundaram Committee:Export Credit
33. Gadgil Committee (1969):Lead Banking System
34. Godwala Committee:Rural Finance
35. Goiporia Committee:Customer Service In Banks
36. GS Dahotre Committee:Credit Requirements Of Leasing Industry
37. GS Patel Committee:Carry Forward System On Stock Exchanges
38. Hathi Committee:Soiled Banknotes
List of Committees Related to Banking & Finance in India
39. Hazari Committee (1967):Industrial Policy
40. IT Vaz Committee:Working Capital Finance In Banks
41. J Reddy Committee:Reforms In Insurance Sector
42. James Raj Committee:Functioning Of Public Sector Banks
43. Jankiramanan Committee:Securities Transactions Of Banks & Financial
44. JV Shetty Committee:Consortium Advances
45. K Madhav Das Committee:Urban Cooperative Banks
46. Kalyansundaram Committee:Introduction Of Factoring Services In India
47. Kamath Committee:Education Loan Scheme
48. Karve Committee:Small Scale Industry
49. KB Chore Committee:To Review The Symbol Of Cash Credit Q
50. Khanna Committee:Non Performing Assets
51. Khusrau Committee:Agricultural Credit
52. KS Krishnaswamy Committee:Role Of Banks In Priority Sector And 20 Point
Economic Programme
53. L K Jha Committee:Indirect Taxes
54. LC Gupta Committee:Financial Derivatives
55. Mahadevan Committee:Single Window System
56. Mahalanobis Committee:Income Distribution
57. Marathe Committee:Licensing Of New Banks
58. ML Dantwala Committee:Regional Rural Banks
59. Mrs. KS Shere Committee:Electronic Fund Transfer
60. Nadkarni Committee:Improved Procedures For Transactions In PSU Bonds And
61. Nariman Committee:Branch Expansion Programme
62. Narsimham Committee:Financial System
63. Omkar Goswami Committee:Industrial Sickness And Corporate Restructuring
64. P R Nayak Committee:Institutional Credit To SSI Sector
65. P Selvam Committee:Non Performing Assets Of Banks
66. PC Luther Committee:Productivity, Operational Efficiency & Profitability Of
67. PD Ojha Committee:Service Area Approach
68. Pendarkar Committee:Review The System Of Inspection Of Commercial, RRB
And Urban Cooperative Banks
69. Pillai Committee:Pay Scales Of Bank Officers
70. PL Tandon Committee:Export Strategy
71. PR Khanna Committee:Develop Appropriate Supervisory Framework For NBFC
72. Purshottam Das Committee:Agricultural Finance And Cooperative Societies
73. R Jilani Banks:Inspection System Of Banks
74. R S Saria Committee:Agricultural Finance And Cooperative Societies
75. Raghavan Committee:Competition Law
76. Raja Chelliah Committee:Tax Reforms
77. Rajamannar Committee:Centre – State Fiscal Relationships
78. Rajamannar Committee:Changes In Banking Laws , Bouncing Of Cheques Etc.
79. Rakesh Mohan Committee:Petro Chemical Sector
80. Ram Niwas Mirdha Committee (JPC):Securities Scam
81. Rangrajan Committee:Computerization Of Banking Industry
82. Rangrajan Committee:Public Sector Disinvestment
83. Rashid Jilani Committee:Cash Credit System
84. Ray Committee:Industrial Sickness
85. RG Saraiya Committee (1972):Banking Commission
86. RH Khan Committee:Harmonization Of Banks And Ssis
87. RK Hajare Committee:Differential Interest Rates Scheme
88. RK Talwar Committee:Customer Service
89. RK Talwar Committee:Enactment Having A Bearing On Agro Landings By
Commercial Banks
90. RN Malhotra Committee:Reforms In Insurance Sector
91. RN Mirdha Committee:Cooperative Societies
92. RV Gupta Committee:Agricultural Credit Delivery
93. S Padmanabhan Committee:Onsite Supervision Function Of Banks
94. S Padmanabhan Committee:Inspection Of Banks (By RBI)
95. Samal Committee:Rural Credit
96. SC Choksi Committee:Direct Tax Law
97. Shankar Lal Gauri Committee:Agricultural Marketing
98. SK Kalia Committee:Role Of NGO And SHG In Credit
99. SL Kapoor Committee:Institutional Credit To SSI
100. Sodhani Committee:Foreign Exchange Markets In NRI Investment In India
101. SS Kohli Committee:Rehabilitation Of Sick Industrial Units
102. SS Kohli Committee:Rationalization Of Staff Strength In Banks
103. SS Kohli Committee:Willful Defaulters
104. SS Nadkarni Committee:Trading In Public Sector Banks
105. SS Tarapore Committee:Capital Account Convertibility
106. Sukhmoy Chakravarty Committee:To Review The Working Of Monetary
107. Tambe Committee:Term Loans To SSI
108. Tandon Committee:Follow Up Of Bank Credit
109. Tandon Committee:Industrial Sickness
110. Thakkar Committee:Credit Schemes To Self Employed
111. Thingalaya Committee:Restructuring Of RRB
112. Tiwari Committee:Rehabilitation Of Sick Industrial Undertakings
113. UK Sharma Committee:Lead Bank Scheme (Review)
114. Usha Thorat Panel: Financial Inclusion
115. Vaghul Committee:Mutual Fund Scheme
116. Varshney Committee:Revised Methods For Loans (>2 Lakhs)
117. Venketaiya Committee:Review Of Rural Financing System
118. Vipin Malik Committee:Consolidated Accounting By Banks
119. VT Dehejia Committee:To Study Credit Needs Of Industry And Trade Likely To
Be Inflated
120. Vyas Committee:Rural Credit
121. Wanchoo Committee:Direct Taxes
122. WS Saraf Committee:Technology Issues In Banking Industry
123. Y H Malegam Committee:Disclosure Norms For Public Issues
124. YV Reddy Committee:Reforms In Small Savings
Some Recent Working Groups & Committees by RBI & Their Focus Area:
(Name of Chairmen is given)
1. Working Group on Benchmark Prime Lending Rate (BPLR): Deepak Mohanty
2. Working Group on Surveys: Deepak Mohanty
3. High Level Committee to Review Lead Bank Scheme: Usha Thorat
4. Working Group to Review the Business Correspondent Model:
P Vijaya Bhaskar Rao
5. High Level Group on Systems and Procedures for Currency Distribution:
Usha Thorat
6. G20 Working Group on Enhancing Sound Regulation and Strengthening
Transparency: Dr. Rakesh Mohan and Mr. Tiff Macklem
7. Committee on Financial Sector Assessment: Dr. Rakesh Mohan
8. High Level Committee on Estimation of Savings and Investment:
Dr. C. Rangarajan
9. Committee on the Global Financial System (CGFS) on Capital Flows and Emerging Market Economies: Dr. Rakesh Mohan
10. Task Force For Diamond Sector: A K Bera
11. Technical Advisory Group on Development of Housing Start-Up Index in India:
Prof. Amitabh Kundu
12. Working Group on Defraying Cost of ICT Solutions for RRBs:
Shri G. Padmanabhan
13. Working Group on IT support for Urban Cooperative Banks: R Gandhi
14. Working Group on Technology Upgradation of Regional Rural Banks:
Shri G. Srinivasan
15. Interest Rate Futures: Shri V.K. Sharma
16. Internal Working Group to Study the Recommendations of the NCEUS Report:
17. Working Group on Improvement of Banking Services in the Union Territory of
Lakshadweep: S. Ramaswamy
18. Working Group on Rehabilitation of Sick SMEs: Dr. K. C. Chakrabarty
19. Working Group on Improvement of Banking Services In Jharkhand: V.S.Das
20. Working Group on Improvement of Banking Services in Himachal Pradesh:
Dr. J. Sadakkadulla
21. Internal Technical Group on Seasonal Movements in Inflation:
Dr. Balvant Singh
22. Working Group to Examine the Procedures and Processes of Agricultural Loans: C P Swarankar
23. Task Force on Empowering RRB Boards for Operational Efficiency
Dr. K.G. Karmakar
24. Technical Group Set up to Review Legislations on Money Lending:
Shri.S. C. Gupta
25. Working Group To Suggest Measures To Assist Distressed Farmers:
Shri. S. S. Johl
26. Technical Group on Statistics for International Trade in Banking Services: Shri K.S.R.Rao
27. Technical Advisory Group On Development Of Leading Economic Indicators For
Indian Economy Dr. R B Barman
28. Working Group on Savings for the Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-08 to 2011-12): Dr.Rakesh Mohan
29. Working Group on Compilation of State Government Liabilities:
Dr. N.D. Jadhav
30. Working Group on Improvement of Banking Services in Uttaranchal: V.S. Das
31. Working Group on Cost of NRI Remittances: P. K. Pain
32. Working group to formulate a scheme for Ensuring Reasonableness of Bank
Charges: N. Sadasivam
33. Committee on Fuller Capital Account Convertibility: S.S.Tarapore
34. Committee on Financial Sector Plan for North Eastern Region:
Smt. Usha Thorat
35. Survey on Impact of Trade Related Measures on Transaction Costs of Exports:
Balwant Singh
36. Advisory Committee on Ways and Means Advances to State Governments:
37. Need and Use Behavior for Small Denomination Coins: Sanal Kumar Velayudhan
38. Debt Sustainability at State Level in India:
Indira Rajaraman, Shashank Bhide and R.K.Pattnaik
39. Internal Group to Examine Issues Relating to Rural Credit and Microfinance: Shri H.R.Khan
40. Working Group to Review Export Credit: Shri Anand Sinha
41. Internal Working Group on RRBs: Shri A V Sardesai
42. Working Group on Warehouse Receipts and Commodity Futures:
Shri Prashant
43. Internal Group to Review Guidelines on Credit Flow to SME Sector:
Shri C.S.Murthy
44. Working Group on Regulatory Mechanism for Cards Shri R.Gandhi
45. Group on Model Fiscal Responsibility Legislation at State Level: Shri H R Khan
46. Task Force on Revival of Cooperative Credit Institutions: Prof.A.Vaidyanathan
47. Special Group for Formulation of Debt Restructuring Mechanism for Medium
Enterprises: Shri G.Srinivasan
48. Working Group on Screen Based Trading In Government Securities: Dr.R.H.Patil
49. Expert Group on Internet Deployment of Central Database Management System
(CDBMS): Prof.A.Vaidyanathan
50. Report on Monitoring of Financial Conglomerates: Smt.Shyamala Gopinath
51. Working Group on Development Financial Institutions: Shri N. Sadasivan
52. Advisory Committee to Advise on the Administered Interest Rates and
Rationalisation of Saving Instruments: Dr.Rakesh Mohan
53. Advisory Committee on Flow of Credit to Agriculture: Prof.V.S.Vyas
54. Working Group on Flow of Credit to SSI Sector: Dr.A.S.Ganguly
55. Group to Study the Pension Liabilities of the State Governments:
B. K. Bhattacharya
56. Rupee Interest Rate Derivatives: Shri G. Padmanabhan
57. Working Group on Instruments of Sterilisation: Smt. Usha Thorat
58. Working Group on Information on State Government Guaranteed Advances and
Bonds: Shri.G.Padmanabhan
59. Working Group on Cheque Truncation and E-cheques: Dr.Barman, ED
60. Working Group on Introduction of Credit Derivatives in India:
Shri B. Mahapatra
61. Group to Assess the Fiscal Risk of State Government Guarantees:
Smt. Usha Thorat
62. Advisory Committee on Ways and Means Advances to State Governments:
Shri C.Ramachandran
63. Working Group on Rupee Derivatives: Shri Jaspal Bindra
64. Committee on Computer Audit: Shri A.L. Narasimhan
65. Committee on Payment Systems: Dr R H Patil
66. Review Group on The Working of The Local Area Bank Scheme
Shri G.Ramachandran
67. Technical Group on Statistics of International Trade in Services:
Shri Deepak Mohanty
68. Working Group for Suggesting Operational and Prudential Guidelines on STRIPS
(Separately Traded Registered Interest and Principal of Securities):
69. Working Group on Electronic Money: Mr.Zarir J. Cama
70. Working Group on Economic Indicators Dr. R.B. Barman
71. Working Group to Examine the Role of Credit Information Bureaus in Collection and Dissemination of Information on Suit-filed Accounts and Defaulters: Shri S.R. Iyer
72. Information systems audit policy for the banking and financial sector:
73. Working Group on Consolidated Accounting and Other Quantitative Methods to
Facilitate Consolidated Supervision: Shri Vipin Malik
74. Expert Committee to Review the System of Administered Interest Rates and Other Related Issues: Dr.Y.V. Reddy
75. Inter-Departmental Group to study the Rationalisation of Current account Facility with Reserve Bank of India: Shri K.W. Korgaonkar
76. The Expert Committee on Legal Aspects of Bank Frauds: Dr.N.L. Mitra
77. The Standing Committee on International Financial Standards and Codes
Standing Committee on International Financial Standards and Codes:
Dr. Y.V.Reddy
78. Technical Group on Market Integrity: Shri C.R. Muralidharan
79. Technical Group on Phasing Out of Non-banks from Call/Notice Money Market
(March 2001): Dr.Y.V.Reddy
80. Core Group on Voluntary Disclosure Norms for State Governments: Dr.Y.V.Reddy
81. Task Force to Study the Cooperative Credit System and Suggest Measures for its Strengthening: Shri Jagdish Kapoor
82. Internal Group to Review the Guidelines Relating to Commercial Paper:
83. High Power Committee on Urban Cooperative Banks: Shri Madhav Rao
84. Working Group for setting up Credit Information Bureau in India: Shri N.H.Siddiqui
85. Committee for Redesigning of Financial Statements of Non-Banking Financial
Companies: Shri V.S.N. Murthy
86. Working Group on Restructuring Weak Public Sector Banks: Shri M.S.Verma
Working Group for Working Out Modalities on Dissemination of Information in
Electronic Form: Shri Y.S.P. Thorat and Shri C.R. Gopalasundaram
87. Committee on Technology Upgradation in the Banking Sector: Dr A.Vasudevan ]
88. Working Group of EURO: Shri V.Subrahmanyam
89. New Monetary Aggregates: Dr. Y.V. Reddy
90. Committee on Capital Account Convertibility: Shri S.S.Tarapore

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