Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Q) 8 friends P,Q,R,S,T,V,W,Y are sitting around a square table. Among them 4 are sitting on corners of the table while remaining 4 are sitting on the middle of side of the table. Those sitting at the corners are facing centre while those sitting at the middle are facing outwards.
S is sitting third to the right of P. P is facing centre. Y is not sitting adjacent to P or S. T is sitting third to the right of R. R is not sitting at any of the middle of the sides of the table, and is not sitting in immediate neighbor of Y. Only one person is sitting between P & V. Q is not an immediate neighbor of of V.
Lets start!!!
This question is somewhat tricky and we need to move forward a bit carefully, So we take the first line i.e.
S is sitting third to the right of P.
but this line is of little help to us because we cant say which one of them is a t corner, so we read next line
P is facing center.this will help us a lot because it is given that those sitting at corners are facing center, so p is obviously at the corner
and our resultant figure will
Moving further, we see that
Y is not sitting adjacent to P or S.
So following this statement we have only 2 positions left for Y which are shown in figure
This is somewhat tricky step because we need to keep Y at both places and check that which one of these is correct place for Y. So we will place it at the middle and now check it with the following statement
R is not sitting at any of the middle of the sides of the table, and is not sitting in immediate neighbor of Y.
According to this situation R is left with only 1 place which is shown in figure
Now if we look at 1 more statement which say
T is sitting third to the right of R.
So due to this statement Y and T will overlap so our assumption to put y in the middle is false, hence Y will be at corner as shown in the figure.
Following one statement
Only one person is sitting between P & V.
R cannot be on right top, so its place will be top left corner
Now as R is at the top left corner, so we will place R as shown in the figure & because of the statement
T is sitting third to the right of R.
the resultant figure will be
Now reading next statement,
Only one person is sitting between P & V.
We can conclude that V has only one place to go, which is shown in figure
Finally after reading the statement
Q is not an immediate neighbor of of V.
So Q will have only one place to set which is between R and Y
Hence the complete figure after all this will be
I have tried my best to explain this pattern, but still if anybody has any confusion or any query related to this, you can ask here.
Thank You

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